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Composting Stories of Feminine Shadow | Women's Hikes

Focus is on Composting Stories of Receiving


Why We Hike



There is something powerful about collectively weaving a container where we are physically moving shadow through our body while supported by each other and nature. On our hikes we explore topics that are blocking the principles of our divine nature // true essence and compost them along the way. 


Let's explore the great outdoors together through hiking, biking, and camping, all while empowering and uplifting each other.

This next journey is on receiving.  I hear so many stories of how motherhood is "hard" that would be "solved" by receiving with grace and ease.  It it was easy we would just do it,.The transformation happens on mental, spiritual, and somatic level. These cycles are sometimes generations old, and baked into our nervous systems. We need the co-regulation of a sisterhood to move all the way through them. 


"I can't accept help that means I'm weak"

"I can't accept support because I can return the support"

"I can't receive support because they won't do right/as fast"

"I can't receive help because this it's too much"


These are just some of the stories I've witnessed around receiving.


I'm here to help women Collectively Compost these stories//blockages that prevent them from living more in alignment with their feminine design.  


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Hosted by
Jenn Reilly + Carmen LaMonica

I support parents, women, and leaders to break generational cycles through shadow work and somatic practices  and help them relearn what it means to be a connected, embodied, and present.

Collectively Composting Shadows of the Feminine

When we have been nurtured in our fullness, we arrive at motherhood with the embodiment of unconditional love and the feminine principles. What I am witnessing more and more, is that many women are unable to relax into their feminine design, usually due to  the stories they have absorbed from previous generations, culture, influencers, etc. and/or have created based of their own experiences of not having these parts nourished along the way. 


In the Motherhood + Wholeness Sessions - we focus on a particular principle and spend 6 weeks on a transformational journey to illuminate and composts as much as we can and build awareness and practices to embody this principle with more ease and grace. 


The easefulness in motherhood is found in the embodiment of our feminine design and wholeness. 


What to Expect:

In this group container we will weave a collective field to support our nervous systems to repair and remember our wholeness, supporting each other to descend, transcend, and rise rooted in our best mama-selves.




  • Wholeness Group Coaching lead by Jenn Reilly

  • Group coaching  includes shadow work, principles of masculine + feminine and verticle development. 

  • Introduction to shadow work

  • Ongoing Chat Forum

  • Somatic Exercises

  • (6) Weekly 90min Sessions

  • Sessions will provide time for checking in and for all members to share what is coming up for them

  • Not mandatory to "participate", just listening and observing can be deeply transformational  

 Shadow + Motherhood
Group Coaching 

6 Calls | 6 Weeks

 - Live cohort with other Mothers - 

Meeting weekly on Wednesday TBD

All calls are via Zoom and 90 mins long


Dates: Free info Call on April 10th @3PM ET,

Session Dates:  April 11, April 18, April 24, May 1,
May 8, and May 15


Do not need any prior knowledge of shadow work to join
just interest and open minded. 



Sign up

Capacity: Limiting this group to 12 spots

Inquire to add any 1:1 coaching sessions


(2) Fully  Sponsored Spots Available
(always looking to support people where I can )
To apply for sponsored spots email me
about what your participation will provide you :-) 



Have questions/needs? Or interested in exploring other pricing options?   Email me and let's chat :-) 

shadow call

Jenn brings a very unique and powerful gift to supporting parents and families. I have been super impressed with her approach and ability to hold space for change. My experience working with her has focused on identifying things within me that limit my capacity to be fully present and attuned to my deepest self and  children. During a big family transition I was seeking extra support and specialized guidance and feel fortunate to have crossed paths with Jenn. After working with some of the most influential practitioners for myself and children I believe she has found her calling in this world impacting how we raise our children in wholeness and love by ultimately reparenting ourselves first. 


Cari W.

RN,  Single mom of 3

I've gained valuable insight from listening to the journeys of other parents

I'm able to get advice and tips that apply to my specific struggles and I've also gained valuable insight from listening to the journeys of other parents in the group.  I'm able to unpack my parenting struggles in a non-judgemental space and get support as well as feedback, something that I've been craving on my parenting journey. "



 Mom of 2

What's it like to do Shadow Work

Ever notice a pattern ... ahhh I can't believe I'm here again!
Like... snap at your child and say something that your mom said to you as child?
... or completely freeze up when someone ask you what you need and you have no idea? 
... And no matter how much someone tell you to try something new, it just doesn't seem to stick. 

These triggers and behaviors are usually hardwired in our system. We could say we are acting from our shadow, an aspect of ourself that we may not be fully  not conscious / aware  to why or even what we are doing  

These triggers are clues that an aspect of our self that really just needs our attention. Our shadows are often forged through moments in our childhood, where the stress of an event, shame, or judgement creates some kind of strategy to protect us, help in a way that just doesn't work for us as adults any more. 

In our sessions, we turn our triggers into gateways to help us evolve and grow. 


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