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Wholeness Parenting 

Supporting our children to thrive
starts with our own development.

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Resources for Parents
...who know the key to parenting is their own self development.

On this page you'll find podcasts, blog posts, ebooks, and workshops aimed to support parents building self awareness and skills to tend to their wholeness with the intention of modeling healthy development for their children.  To get the latests updates make sure to subscribe to my newsletter. 







Parenting with Wholeness



I'm not here to tell any one  how to parent. To use gentle parenting, sleep training, etc. - To me these are all external means to validating our choices.


Every child is different, their needs, their development, their capacities, AND that same child's needs change minute to minute. Their nervous systems are so sensitive and influx moment to moment.  So the key to parenting is about self awareness and attunement, being more conscious of their and our own human experience and how they dance together. 


I'm here to help parents build self-awareness from the multiples lenses, and develop practices to help them nurture their whole being so we can role model navigating both the ups and downs with more grace.  


Parenting with wholeness starts with our own self development. When we look as parenting as a spiritual pathway, every challenge, trigger, uncomfortable situation, shifts from a place where we are "failing" or burdened to an incredible  opportunity  for growth. The child will reflect back all the areas that require tending and healing .


Learning the skills to process and support that healing is an essential part of being human and parenting.


Our ability to care for our well-being will impact the child their whole life. 

So let's empower parents with the skills to see and nurture their human-ness. 


Start Here

Here are some free ways to get stared:

Join my Newsletter

If you haven't already - highly recommend joining my newsletter to get the latest resources, courses, and insights on raising wholeness.

Parenthood Development Self-Assessment

Get an overview of all the areas of self development that I recommend for parents and a reflection of your progress and where to start. 

Listen to my Podcasts

On my podcast, Mystics Rising, we explore wholeness and practices and perspectives to support inner work. Here's a list of all my favorite episodes that pertain to parenting. 

Follow me on Instagram

Check our @RaisingWholeness for the latest insights and musings around parenting with wholeness.

Parenting Resources


After a decade of trainings, working with clients, lived experience, and researching all things childhood development//trauma informed, and raising healthy masculine & feminine, my mind is still blown by how little this stuff makes it out to mainstream parenting channels, and even still it's soo much information. I've been working to distilled this information to make it easily digestible, provide impactful tools, and give parents a place to start their own development and start breaking generational cycles. 

EBooks & PDFs

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Guide for parents on building interception, somatic awareness, and regulation. This guide is full of journalling prompts and exercises to support you building this skill set. 



Stay Tuned More Coming Soon

What Parents are Saying

"Since being connected with Jenn at Raising Wholeness I have gone on a real personal journey with their programme (twice!) and content. The first time I attended was when Thomas was just about to turn two, his development of his emotions had me feel like I needed more support in how to help myself and him during these coming years. The extended course at the time was my how to book! It also meant the group, my buddy I had been linked with and Jenn herself became my go to people when having challenges in my parenting realm! There was definitely many moments where I thought 'I wish I knew this before Thomas was born'"


"The Raising Wholeness has allowed me to view parenting from a new perspective, where parenting is not something I'm doing TO my child but instead a journey we are on together. It has felt like an awakening. Having a better understanding of where my child is at developmentally has helped me to adjust my expectations, so what I'm asking of my child is more realistic. I've benefitted enormously from the live Q and A sessions, where I'm able to get advice and tips that apply to my specific struggles and I've also gained valuable insight from listening to the journeys of other parents in the group. The community that comes along with this course is icing in the cake. I'm able to unpack my parenting struggles in a nonjudgemental space and get support as well as feedback, something that I've been craving on my parenting journey. For me, the raising wholeness course is a valuable investment in the lifelong journey of parenting."


"My eyes have been opened to so many blind spots in my parenting. I’m deeply grateful to have found this course so that I can right the ship while I still have time with my children. This support of the community has been powerful."



Conscious Motherhood Creating safe spaces for mothers to evolve.

I'm here to support all parents and my experience as a woman and a mother lends a unique perspective on parenting. Tending to our wholeness from the Feminine lens is different. Our hormonal journey plays such a pivotal role in our experience -  learning to nurture our body, nervous system, with our hormonal journey in mind is part of our wholeness.


As such, I offer mother specific journeys and deep dives including motherhood circles, and mentorships, and coaching



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