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Hi, I'm
Jenn Reilly.

Cleaning Collective Consciousness
Everyone who heals, heals the future generation. 
Our inner world is a vast and complex space that is tinted by our biology, our hormones,  our nervous system, our past, our conditioning, our trauma for many this gets balled up into one voice, one that is often mistaken as intuition. And we find ourselves living from and passing on our wounds. Every one who heals and comes to know and tend to their own wholeness is illuminating the path for others, and the ripples in our collective consciousness.


Into Conscious Motherhood

I would say I've always been interested in self development, and until I had Hailey, I really was only dipping a toe in. Reading a book here, taking a class there, dabbling in mediations. Once I had Hailey, I knew I needed to actually break cycles and go a layer deeper. Becoming a mother, demanded so much more of my wholeness, of my feminine, of my well being - and I felt like I was starting from zero  with no clue where to start, in a toxic relationship, debt, and lacking community // support - it wasn't terrible, and it just wasn't the life I had envisioned for me or my daughter. And I felt like it just happened so fast. The reality is that it was happening without intention.  

Through my healing journey, I realized how I had been suppressing the care for parts of myself, for my trauma, for my feminine biological needs.  And how common  my story is for most women, feeling victim, feeling powerless,  going against the tides trying to "fit in" to patriarchal ideals and systems.

I realized if I want to reshape these systems for her - I had to do so for me. To love her unconditionally, I had to unlearn // decondition and relearn how to love myself unconditionally. To model a matriarchal system - I have to cultivate healthy relationship with the masculine and feminine, I'd have to create systems in my life that honor my feminine design and flow. 

Her birth became the catalyst to my maturation, to cleaning up the shadows, and becoming a master of tending to my own wholeness and living in authentic alignment with my design, and moving through this world grounded in my inner authority. 


What hurts the soul? To live without tasting the water of its own essence.

How I'm currently serving


Through trainings and my own inner work, I developed a framework of supporting women, parents and leaders to tend to their wholeness. Through this tending we develop the awareness to move with inner clarity and break long standing generational cycles. For my parents, we also help reset expectations and meet the child where they are at and looking through all the layers of wholeness. 


"Jenn brings a very unique and powerful gift to supporting parents and families. I have been super impressed with her approach and ability to hold space for change. My experience working with her has focused on identifying things within me that limit my capacity to be fully present and attuned to my deepest self and  children. During a big family transition I was seeking extra support and specialized guidance and feel fortunate to have crossed paths with Jenn. After working with some of the most influential practitioners for myself and children I believe she has found her calling in this world impacting how we raise our children in wholeness and love by ultimately reparenting ourselves first." 


"For me, having Jenn as my coach has been life changing. I knew it was what I was looking for but honestly... I had no idea how much it would benefit me and I truly believe it is benefiting those relationships around me. Her approach, style, observations, invitations, questions has changed who I am, how I journey through my day to day thoughts, my parenting and even my career."


"Jenn has helped me build spaciousness and nourishment into my life where that felt impossible before."
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As a facilitator, I've had the honor to  facilitate women's circles, support microschools, and major brands like YUM! as an associate at Bridge Partnerships where I help instill wholeness in the workplace and shift cultural narratives.


“Jenn is a powerful and dynamic coach and facilitator. Working together, I was able to unlock long-held blocks and move into a new level of my creativity and wholeness in the world. With her deep knowledge of human development phases, intuitive gifts and powerful follow up exercises, I have rediscovered and reclaimed aspects of myself that have long felt missing. If you desire a caring and creative coach to help you unlock the keys to your own essence, creativity or business idea, I highly recommend working with Jenn Reilly!"  


"Jenn's innate ability to collect and organize the visions and dreams of her clients and to showcase their spiritual essence in form is a unique gift. . Her affinity for the mystical shines through in her way of grounding and materializing what lives in the ethers. Her work bridges 2 worlds and the emergent nature of her orientation injects a sense of aliveness into the working dynamic making it fun to be in possibilities together."


"Jenn Reilly is pure magic.Our 90-minute session flew by; it felt like a long overdue chat between old, dear friends. Jenn helped me navigate parenting through divorce, breaking patterns, and finding myself along the way. Jenn is someone I look forward to working with again and again. She truly listens to understand and knows how to have the hard, necessary conversations. I feel completely supported and much more at peace. Thank you so much, Jenn!"

Artist + Florist + Mother = Creator

I have been and served in a hundred different ways that all infuse my work today from florist to artist, activist, branding & graphic designer, strategic consultant, facilitator, leadership coach and adventurer. Here's a glimpst at some of my favorite creative endeavors.

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Wholeness Practices

Areas of practice

  • Childhood Development

  • Feminine Embodiment

  • Leadership Development

  • Journeys // Guided Mediations

  • Shadow Work

  • Parts Work

  • Integral Development

  • Trauma-informed 

  • Hawaiian Energy Work

  • Reiki II Certified

  • Ancestral Healing

  • DivinationTarot/Runes

  • Mediation

  • Mindfulness

  • Breath work

Certifications // Trainings // Apprenticeships

 have been on a journey taking training, courses, working with shaman and mentors, and taking in as much as I can to distill my work here are some notable classes. 

  • Apprentice Ryan Casper, Energy healing and Divination | 2008-2010

  • UNH Adaptive Leadership Certificate | 2017

  • Adaptive Leadership (with Zander Grashow NPI 2019)

  • Member of Rising Practitioners (2020- present)

  • Shadow into the Soul | Illuminating Your Highest Potential (Certification with Stages International | 2020)

  • Shadow Patterns | Evolution of Shadow Resolution (Certification with Stages International | 2020)

  • Shadow Craft | Dancing with Demons (Certification with Stages International | 2020)

  • Shadow Mastermind Group (year long program with Stages International | 2021)

  • Transformational Leadership Path (2020 and 2021 with Karl Steyart)

  • Feminine Embodiment (6 month program with John Wineland | 2022

  • Holotropic Breathwork, Psychedelic Integration, and Transpersonal Psychology (with Stan Grof Legacy Project 2021-2022)

  • Yoga Lap Breathwork Certification (2022)

  • Mentorship with Michelle MacEwan Celtic  Shaman // Spiritual Guide (2021-2022) 

  • Leadership Development Training with Bridge Partnerships | 2022

  • Prenatal and Postpartum Coaching Certificate  | 2024 -In progress

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