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PODCAST | In Search of Wholeness with Portals of Perception

Writer's picture: Jenn ReillyJenn Reilly

I was recently podcast I was interviewed on with Portals of Perception with one of my friends and practitioner of wholeness, Forrest Wilson. 

In Search of Wholeness Podcast With Portals of Perception
In Search of Wholeness Podcast With Portals of Perception

You can see the whole video/podcast here:

In this podcast we talk about what wholeness is, why its so important for parents to. nurture in their children, and what the world looks like when we raise mini mystics that step into their gifts at early ages, instead of taking a life time of therapy to figure themselves out. We get massive positive change in supporting some of the worlds most challenging issues. 

So thankful to Aviv for having us on the show! He is truly a gifted host, weaving the conversation together. Portals of Perception endeavors to create conversations at the frontier of discovery, and to bring to life the natural processes of human development. Each of us, by design, can become a living agency for the evolutionary process, as it arises, through our living expression, and can become an intentional participant in the emergence of a wiser future.

Forrest is co-founder of Light in Action, an “incubator for consciousness” supporting projects and passion on the journey of wholeness, and coaches entrepreneurs to step in a deep level of authenticity and get clarity on their greats gifts and is also launching a new podcast stay tuned.  

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